Галерея. Тревожные арты Петра Яблонски

Пётр Яблонски — польский иллюстратор и концепт-художник. Он работал над концепт-артами для Destiny 2, Dishonored 2 и Dishonored: Death of the Outsider.

Его портфолио на ArtStation и Behance.

Embedded Image

The Lepidopterist

Old Sea Beast

Workers and Bloodflies

Bloodly Nest Keeper

Cyria Gardens

Impression of the Void

Death to the Duke

The Heart of the Void

The Heart of the Void

An Ear to the Wall

The Lonely Rat Boy

Apocalypse Demon

Moaning Wall

The Area

Engine Driver Got

Engine Driver Got

Daphne Byrne

Destiny Grimoire Anthology

Destiny 2: Season of the Splicer

Destiny Grimoire Anthology

Destiny Grimoire Anthology

Xyor and Rezyl

Jaren Ward


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